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Guangxi Yinhai Vacuum furnace for treatment of solid waste


   Project name: Guangxi Yinhai Vacuum furnace for treatment of solid waste

   The owner: Guangxi Laibin Yinhai Aluminium Co., Ltd.

   Project type: EPC turn-key

   Project capacity: 1500t/y

   Main content: This equipment is mainly used for harmless treatment of toxic and harmful solid waste. The main solid waste is cathode graphite carbon block used by electrolytic aluminum plant in the process of electrolytic aluminum. After electrolytic aluminum process, the graphite carbon block contains a large number of cyanide, fluoride and other toxic and harmful components, which cannot be directly treated or used. The equipment mainly consists of furnace body, volatile matter collection device, vacuum system and corresponding electrical control system.

   Economic index: total heating treatment time is 5h, cooling time is 10h, power cost is 4000kwh/h.

   Project advantage:the first vacuum furnace for treatment of solid waste of electrolytic Aluminum .